And I am back!
Let's address my main concern here - I am getting fat. No joke! My muscles have turned into flabs. I feel depressed. Again, not joking. No point denying the truth, I stopped dancing. I stopped being active (aka dance for three hours non-stop, twice a week). I thought I'd give up dance completely, but now I am missing it. Reason for doing so (giving up) was because I was not enjoying myself. It became too much of a 'chore', taking up too much of my time without getting anything in return (besides a firm body). Well, my idea of 'gain' is to get paid for doing what I love to do. As much as I do not mind volunteering for causes, one can be stretched too thin before one breaks. I think I broke. I felt uninspired. I felt lost. I did not want to do it anymore. Plus it was costing me too much, overall, having to work daily yet feeling exhausted to the point where I became unhappy.
I would not say I quit. I just took a break. And I think it is time for me to get back into it.
Some time back (I forgot when), I nicked this Core Challenge from someone's Facebook/Pinterest. I did it once two weeks ago. Loved it. Haven't done it again since ... I am terrible at keeping myself motivated for this. Who wants to be my workout buddy?
Spent most of my time back home watching TV - Yup! I morphed into a couch potato, which explains the weight gain, that led to the downfall of my self esteem. I can be so dramatic at times *flips hair*
Liane crocheted a bag for my birthday. I adore it so much!! Nothing beats handmade stuff, honestly. Besides the idiot box, I do spend some quality time doing nerd worthy activities like read. Am halfway through a book on Rwanda circa 1990s. Trying to refrain from typing the 'G' word because I do not want the search engine to direct people to my blog. No, thank you. You know what I am referring to, if you know what goes/went on in the world. I hardly read fiction anymore, unless I am in one of those 'I-don't-wanna-use-my-brain' kind of moods. Or if something really grasps my attention. Or if I decided to download tons of unknown titles of Amazon into my Kindle, which contains quite a number of fiction of questionable quality. Whatever that means. eh.
I did two day trips to Kuala Lumpur the first two weeks I was back, mainly for work reasons. Had my first Uber experience, and boy, am I never going back. It is so much cheaper for me to utilise such an efficient service. Plus, I had a great chat with the Uber driver on my first trip. And to find the following email in my inbox right after, I am staying loyal to the service, until someone f*cks it up. Kidding. Heh. Anyway, if you are in Australia, and would like to taste your first Uber ride, grab the code below and sign up for an account. You get AUD10 off your first Uber ride. I ain't pulling your leg. You can track your driver as he's approaching you, supervise the drive (I have had way too many experiences with cabbies who take me on a longer route), check how many Uber drivers are near you, and .... no cash needed. Payment will be deducted off your credit card OR your Paypal account. As simple as that.
Don't take my word for it nonetheless. Experience it yourself, and drop by to let me know how it went. Would love to hear stories about this service, regardless whether positive or negative ones. Hey! We are all learning and sharing everyday.
Well, I got to bounce now. I won't promise to try my best to update as I know that will not happen and I will end up popping by in another month or so. Meanwhile, if you are on Instagram, we can connect - @sashaleong
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