Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August Behold

So much has happened the past few months since I updated this online journal of mine. I mean, who even reads long-winded life blogs nowadays?!? Kidding. I took the 'immerse myself in the moment' instead of keeping tabs about it (online). Well, I haven't been penning down journals too, one thing which I keep telling myself i have to do but seem not to do so. Bummer!

Now, let's talk about healthy changes.

I started Bikram Yoga last month on an Introductary special $30 for 30 days of yoga. I was never a fan before as I deemed doing the same 26 positions every single class pretty dull. When I saw the offer, I thought, 'Why not?'. No harm to give it a go. First week had its ups and downs. I was logging my daily Bikram Yoga experience on Twitter. Need I say, I am seeing and feeling the benefits from Bikram Yoga. Love it!!

Additionally, I started following The HIIT Mum's 30-day Challenge on Facebook. Go check it out! Every evening she posts a new workout challenge for the following day. They are high intensity exercises which take no longer than 10 minutes of your day. Trust me, when I did the three one-minute sets of Roo Jumps from Day One, I was heaving with an accelerated heart rate. Day Two was four one-minute sets of stationary sprints, followed by one leg planks the next day, and two two-minute corner burpees after (those were a killer!!). Along with the challenges, I am including my own planking sets in my daily workout - need to bust those abs, eh.

I'll update more soon *fingers crossed* Got to shower and catch True Blood now.


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