Thursday, October 10, 2013

Drinking Responsibly

.. somewhat related to the title of the post...

I FINALLY sat for my Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) course. 

For those who aren't aware, the Victorian laws require any employee dealing with or serving alcohol to be RSA-certified. Well, that's if you want to work in a licensed venue in Melbourne and greater Victoria. Bet you didn't know this, the RSA was created in Victoria. Haha! I only found out during the four-hour course.

Well, as working in most festivals or events require one to be RSA-certified, I just sat for it. However, on a personal note, I think it is a very useful course for everyone regardless whether they need it or not, and it should also be introduced back home. After observing how people behave in clubs and the lack of control back home, the RSA training will give people dealing with alcohol-related business a good insight on how to take charge of situations in a professional manner when dealing with extremely intoxicated people.

In general, the course is really informative. I learned about the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC), the amount of alcohol in one standard drink (differs in spirits, beers and wine), and of course, the necessary hospitality services and tricks when confronted with intoxicated people who are not aware of their condition and aim to get completely smashed.

So, if you are in Melbourne and interested to do something out-of-the-ordinary (beyond the context of tourist books) .... and four hours to spare, check out the course. I took mine at the Hospitality Training Australia for $50. The instructor is pretty good too; he made the whole course interesting by cracking jokes. The centre is strategically located in Melbourne CBD, on Collins Street. They offer quite a number of hospitality courses too.

Check out their website HERE>>>

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